The Human Dance

The Human Dance

Every organism is constantly in motion. It behaves and develops according to its own extremely complicated pattern. From the concurrence of all organisms, arises the big jazz where philosopher Alan Watts talks about: the human dance, the flower dance, the bee dance... In other words: everything is movement. Everything changes, moves, vibrates, connects, communicates, makes music, etc. Every object/subject that exists in our universe has its very own frequency.

This is a big jazz this world and what it is trying to do is to see how jazzed up it can get.
 –  Allen Watts

Every organism is constantly in motion. It behaves and develops according to its own extremely complicated pattern. From the concurrence of all organisms, arises the big jazz where philosopher Alan Watts talks about: the human dance, the flower dance, the bee dance, ... In other words: everything is movement. Everything changes, moves, vibrates, connects, communicates, makes music, etc. Every object/subject that exists in our universe has its very own frequency.

In the context of the project HUMAN, playField will develop The Human Dance.

The Human Dance will explore the connections between the audience-members and how they relate to each other and their surroundings: a subtle choreography of the unpredictable.

Everything that exists in the pre-defined space where The Human Dance takes place, will be regarded as a subject with its own experience and perspective. Every subject communicates and relates to all other subjects present in the space. This communication between the different entities will be uncovered by means of sound, making the different frequencies of all present subjects audible.

Every spectator will have his own frequency, his own sound.
These sounds will interact and transform according to the position of the spectator and his relation towards the other spectators and subjects in the space.

In this way playField will create a three-dimensional world of sound in which the spectator as an individual, as well as the audience as a group, will discover his/their relation and influence on the world around them. Slowly there will arise the discovery of collaboration, with each other and the objects that surround them, in order to uncover all the different patterns and possibilities, introducing the audience to the world of The Human Dance.

The Human Dance played in 2018 in Belgium and the Netherlands.




playField. in collaboration with sound artist Jeroen Vandesande


playField. in collaboration with VOUW


VIA ZUID talentontwikkeling podiumkunsten Limburg & Cultura Nova festival

Thanks to

Stad Gent, Het Gouvernement, DOK Gent, Louisa Vanderhaegen

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