When scientists were looking for the cause of an interruption on the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator, the first primitive computer, one of the operators discovered a little insect in a relay component. The first so-called 'bug' was the last living and analog resistance fighter against the evolution of the computer.
From that moment onwards the computer became an essential part of our society and technology never developed so fast before: Collectively, we fix our eyes on the future. But towards what are we going? What part will technology play in our development? When algorithms know us better than we know ourselves, will we trust their judgement more than our own? What will distinguish us from humanoids when Artificial Intelligence becomes reality?
And which 'bug' will resist the lightning fast pace of continuous renewal?
#3 RELAY is an interactive monologue in which the audience can define the evolution of technology, starting from the point where the first bug tried to interrupt smart machines.
#3 RELAY played from 2019 to 2020 in Belgium and the Netherlands.
playField in collaboration with Louisa Vanderhaegen, Lennert Boots, Carine Van Bruggen, Gertjan Biasino and Marie De Broeck
VIA ZUID, Festival Cement & C-Takt
City of Ghent, De Grote Post , Kopergietery, Grensverleggers (regeling ter ondersteuning van culturele samenwerkingen tussen partijen in Vlaanderen, de Provincie Noord-Brabant, de Provincie Limburg en de Provincie Zeeland)